Jessica Watts

RxOH 2023 Alum: Jessica Watts

My name is Jessica Watts and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Development, Disease Models, and Therapeutics graduate program at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. I am in the fourth year of my graduate program and am testing the efficacy of a multiantigen mRNA vaccine to prevent lethal disease associated with herpesvirus infection in young elephants. My background is biomedical research encompassing reproductive biology and translational breast cancer, so I had limited exposure to One Health topics preceding the Rx One Health Field Institute this past summer. Participating in Rx One Health exposed me to new topics and career opportunities that I never knew were available.

rodent sampling team in Clover Valley for Rx One Health 2023

Teamwork makes the dream work

Throughout the course modules the course organizers heavily incorporated elements of group discussions and presentations. The course helped me realize the importance of framing your message to diverse audiences and encompassing the perspective of individuals from diverse backgrounds ranging from the biomedical sciences, public health, veterinary medicine, and human medicine. The majority of the discussions were insightful and often passionate as we brought our own experiences to tackle problems in the One Health field.

ALBA farms

Immersive experience

While we learned about the topics in the classroom, I appreciated the practicum activities that followed. Being able to hear from ALBA framers in Salinas, observing bat colonies at the Yolo Bypass, conducting sea otter necropsies at the Marine Wildlife Veterinary Care and Research Center, and competing in the “PPE Olympics” at Clover Valley Ranch was not only fun, but I actively saw how engaging the community is integral in addressing all facets of the One Health initiative. On a personal level, my peer’s knowledge of the terrain, animals, and basic camping inspired me to want to take more time to learn more about the ecosystem around me.

Rx One Health 2023 in Elkhorn Slough

Making meaningful connections

As mentioned previously, we all brought different perspectives to the intensive. The One Health Institute faculty were extremely approachable and we had enlightening conversations that went beyond the course topics. I felt like I got to know the participants on a more personal level. The pace of the course was rapid, but the course organizers cultivated a stress-free environment and provided multiple opportunities for solo and group reflection that I found refreshing.

Rx One Health 2023 in Clover Valley

Career altering experience

 Rx One Health was a transformative experience that allowed me the space to reflect on what I am passionate about and how to incorporate those values into my career aspirations. It was awe-inspiring to see how the instructors merged their field of expertise with community engagement, and I was able to see how science can have a direct impact on the health of the surrounding community. While I enjoy working in the lab setting, the Rx One Health experience showed that I enjoy interacting with the community and tackling problems that directly address disparities that affect human and animal health
